
Shell Beach



Shell Beach in Guyana is one of the best places to visit to experience these ancient giants coming up on shore to lay their eggs. Every night you will, accompanied by local rangers, venture out along the beach to monitor and count the amount of turtles visiting the beach.

It has been a long development of the conservation project, but every year it is developing and getting better at protecting these wonders of nature. Many other places in the world, the beaches has been filled up with humans and noise which scares away the turtles. This is not the case at Shell Beach in Guyana where there has been a negative development of inhabitants living a long the beach because it is eroding. This has created the perfect place to make a sanctuary for the turtles. Remember this is not a classical conservation project, but is run by passionate souls who is trying to do their best with what they have available while making a living from the guests who come to see the turtles.
Article from https://www.utadventures.com/shell-beach-guyana/